








作为一名玛丽斯特的学生, 尼克拜耳 ’16 had outstanding faculty mentors who shared valuable advice with him, but one piece of advice really stood out. “如果你觉得有需要, fill a need” was one of the many lessons learned from Director of Choral Activities Sarah Williams, who worked closely with him during his four years at the College. 拜耳说, “Sarah taught me to ask myself, ‘Where can I best contribute?’ She modeled compassion and basic humanity, and she continues to influence me today.”

Acting on that imperative to help others, Bayer is finding his purpose at Médecins Sans Frontières, or MSF (also known by its English name Doctors Without Borders), an international humanitarian organization providing critically-needed medical aid in an independent, 公正的态度. Bayer has served as Public and Internal Events Associate there since June 2017, after having been an intern for five months. Central to the organization’s mission is the concept of témoignage, 或作见证, and Bayer’s current work goes straight to that mission. As part of MSF’s communication team in New York City, he focuses on telling the stories of the world’s most vulnerable populations and how their lives have been impacted by conflict and political turmoil.

自从去年加入无国界医生以来, Bayer has been deeply involved in the “为ced From Home” campaign, 一个免费的, 互动, outdoor educational exhibition to raise public awareness about the world’s more than 68.5 million refugees and internally displaced people. The exhibition has been traveling around the United States since 2016.  游客 watch virtual reality films, participate in 互动 activities, and confront the tough decisions people on the run routinely make, 如, “You can take only five personal items with you – what would you choose?”

Bayer’s innate desire to engage with the world was nurtured and strengthened during his time at the College.  天才歌手, he chose Marist to participate in its strong choral program, but also for the opportunity to major in political science. 作为一名学生, he did survey research for The whatever and landed a Tarver Summer Internship at the World Affairs Council of the Mid-Hudson Valley.  拜耳说, “My internship gave me a taste of what it’s like to work for a non-profit and taught me how important it is for the organization to communicate effectively to increase engagement.他的毕业论文, supervised by Associate Professor of Political 科学 Juris Pupcenoks, was on migration and security. “I wanted to explore the question of why people are more afraid of refugees in a boat than they are of Malala [Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist for female education shot by the Taliban]. I concluded that it’s because it’s easier for people to identify with the plight of one person, rather than that of a nameless, 不知名的集团.” This concept is at the heart of MSF’s “为ced From Home” campaign.

Marist, singing, and global engagement are all important parts of Bayer’s life. 今年夏天, he joined a group of 30 Marist students and recent alumni from the College’s choral program for the trip of a lifetime to Austria, where they shared their musical talents in the land of Mozart, 海顿, 和舒伯特. The Marist Singers gave several public concerts at historic venues in Vienna, Mondsee, 哈尔斯塔特, and Eisenstadt before heading to Salzburg to participate in the World Choral Fest, the aim of which is “bringing the world together in song.” The festival culminated in a dramatic performance of both classic and new choral works inside the elegant Salzburg Cathedral, where the public treated them to a standing ovation.

Citing faculty mentors like Williams, Pupcenoks, Associate Professor of Political 科学 JoAnne Myers, and the late Danielle Langfield, Bayer summarizes the lessons he learned at Marist that continue to serve him well: “Grab the opportunities, 为成功做好准备, 努力工作, 保持专注, 采取主动.”
