
Doctor of Physical Therapy

School of Science

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At Marist, we educate our Doctor of Physical Therapy students to be theoretically and practically prepared for successful careers as physical therapists. Our CAPTE-accredited program combines in-depth classroom and laboratory instruction with extensive clinical rotations to create the most comprehensive Doctor of Physical Therapy experience possible.




Student-to-Faculty Ratio

小班和实验室规模允许我们的学生得到个性化的关注, guidance, 以及整个项目的指导.

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Clinical Sites

以bet亚洲365欢迎投注的声望, 我们已经签约了300多个临床地点,安置在美国各地.S. 甚至在意大利和瑞士进行国际轮换.

Image of $10,500.

Merit Scholarship

对2025年1月入学的符合条件的学生有效 会获得每年10500美元的优秀奖学金吗 ($31,500 total).

Image of 97.2% icon.

NPTE Pass Rate


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Employment Rate

100% of Marist graduates who sought employment after graduation from the program were employed.


At Marist, our Doctor of Physical Therapy curriculum is designed to create graduates that are thoroughly prepared for the successful careers ahead of them. 我们的课程包括36个月的教学和临床工作. 小班授课,小实验室,还有 10:1 student-to-faculty ratio,您将得到我们专业教师的个性化关注. The clinical orientation of the curriculum also provides exceptional hands-on experience in the field. You can choose from 建立了300多个临床轮岗 在全国范围内,你甚至会有 有机会在意大利和瑞士完成国际轮岗.

View the full curriculum>


The Marist Doctor of Physical Therapy program offers more than 300 clinical sites with placements around the United States and the world. DPT students can choose to complete one of their final 10-week clinical rotations internationally, 这为他们提供了提高临床技能的机会, cultural competence, and personal growth.

Read more about students who completed rotations in Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and England.



bet亚洲365欢迎投注,我们为你未来的理疗师生涯投资. That’s why we’ve developed top-of-the-line facilities 在我们的科学与联合健康大楼, fortified with cutting-edge technology that will ensure your practical experience is in line with tools you’ll use in the field. 这包括我们的物理治疗技能实验室, Gross Anatomy Lab, Movement Analysis Lab, and suite of trauma, surgery, and exam room simulation labs.

Learn More About Facilities>



我们的教员包括病理学专家, anthropology, environmental health, 以及老年和儿童物理治疗, 他们每天都把“诊所带到教室”. 我们的小班和实验室规模和10:1的师生比例, your professors will provide individualized academic advising and mentoring as you cultivate the critical thinking, professionalism, 以及基于证据的实践技能,这些技能使玛丽斯特DPT毕业生与众不同. 看看下面我们的一些专家教师,或者 查看所有物理治疗博士.



At Marist, 我们的主要支柱之一是我们对服务的承诺, 我们将这一承诺融入到我们提供的每一个学术课程中. 我们的许多物理治疗博士学生把他们的博士项目集中在服务上, 关注社区中未满足的需求, or education, 向不同的受众讲授有关身体和健康的主题. Our students even have opportunities to participate in medical mission trips with our experienced faculty.


Many students from distinctive undergraduate experiences join the Marist community to pursue their doctor of physical therapy degree as a result of the state-of-the-art facilities, our caring faculty, 并结合临床和课堂学习经验. 我们的DPT学生来自以下学院和大学:

Logos of Doctor of Physical Therapy undergraduate programs: The University of Rhode Island, Penn State, NYU, University of Connecticut
Logos of Doctor of Physical Therapy undergraduate programs: The University of Massachusetts at Amherst, University of Maryland, Syracuse, The California State University



bet亚洲365欢迎投注的物理治疗博士课程是由CAPTE认证的, a requirement for licensure in every state in the United States including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.
Image of facilities icon.

Cutting-Edge Facilities

Our Science and Allied Health building offers our DPT students a physical therapy skills lab, gross anatomy lab, movement and gait analysis lab, and suite of trauma, surgery, and exam room simulation labs.

Clinical Rotations in Italy

以及我们在全国建立的300多个临床轮岗, 玛丽斯特还为我们的DPT学生提供 有机会在意大利和瑞士完成国际轮岗.

如果你想成为一名真正的临床医生,圣母学院是你最好的选择. The staff and faculty at Marist College are amazing and they will bring out the best in you

Radhika Patel

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Read Radhika's Story >

在我看来,素质教育在于提问的机会. Marist’s intimate cohort selection creates an environment that allows classmates to ask questions and get the answers they need to improve their knowledge. Marist does a stand-up job at ensuring everyone is not just welcomed, but heard and understood.

Tyler Fontan

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Read Tyler's Story >

当我申请研究生学位的时候, 很少有选择能提供和bet亚洲365欢迎投注DPT项目一样的服务. Mainly, the gross anatomy lab which allowed for human cadaver dissections for our gross anatomy courses. 此外,在会见DPT项目的教师和参观联合卫生大楼. I felt at home in the right place.

Nasri Hattar

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Read Nasri's Story >

I chose to pursue my doctor of physical therapy degree at Marist because of their reputation when it comes to research and evidence-based practice, in which an area of study is never perfected unless there is continuous search for knowledge.

Gabrielle Marie Dy

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Read Gabrielle's Story >

I chose to purse this degree program because I feel that physical therapists play such an important, personable role in people’s lives and I appreciate being able to provide a meaningful impact on someone’s life.

Fiona Hecdivert

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Read Fiona's Story >

在体育背景下长大, I have been able to use my athletic experience to create unique therapeutic exercises for patients. Also, I feel that I am able to connect with and motivate athletes on a personal level from experiencing previous injuries of my own in the past.

Mary Smyth

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Read Mary's Story

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Accreditation Status

The Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at Marist College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email:; website: