



bet亚洲365欢迎投注严格的, 以文科为基础的金融工商管理专业同样注重理论概念和发展批判性思维和解决问题的能力. 通过将刺激和吸引人的课程与强调道德责任相结合, 我们努力将我们的金融学生塑造成未来的商业领袖.

bet亚洲365欢迎投注,学生们可以在大一开始使用彭博终端. Not many schools have them, 但华尔街的顶级公司都是这样做的——知道如何使用它们帮助我获得了去年的实习机会.


工商管理 Major, 金融 Concentration

参加Greystone股票基金和CFA股票研究挑战赛帮助我成为一名第一年的分析师. I dove into financial markets, developed valuable skills in fundamental analysis, explo红色的 key Bloomberg terminal functionalities, and collaborated with a team in a true work-like setting.


工商管理 Major, 金融 Concentration

金融 electives like the Greystone Fixed Income Fund, 学习使用彭博社,并在投资中心与华尔街的专业人士建立联系,这些都给了我开始成功的金融职业生涯所需的信心和准备.


工商管理 Major, 金融 Concentration

The finance electives —Derivatives and Risk 管理, 结构性金融产品, 以及股票和债券课程——与同龄人相比,这让我占了上风. I was one of 163 interns at JPMorgan Chase last summer, 他们都没有学过我学过的金融课程.


工商管理 Major, 金融 Concentration


A career-focused curriculum...

Marist金融专业的学生从金融理论和资本市场如何运作的基础开始. Coursework incorporates hands-on application of data analytics, 计算机编程, 以及信息科学,磨练解释数据所需的研究和分析技能. 在文科的基础上,结合独特的金融选修课程,为您提供全面的经验,为您成功的职业生涯做好准备. Our comprehensive 金融 curriculum includes courses in:

  • 财务管理: Introduces the major topics in corporate finance, including the time value of money, 资本预算, financial analysis and stock valuation.
  • 投资分析: A fundamental and technical analysis of securities and markets, with a focus on the application of modern portfolio theory.
  • Financial Markets and Institutions: 市场如何影响外部融资的可用性和股票的市场估值, 债券, mortgages and derivatives.
  • 公司财务: 强调风险, capital structure and budgeting, 股利政策, derivatives and international finance.
  • Financial 状态ment Analysis: 使用比例, 趋势, and vertical and horizontal analyses, students use financial statements to make reasoned decisions.
  • CFA®1级考试准备: 准备这个金标准认证计划的第一级
Marist student walking in 纽约 City

...coupled with significant hands-on experience.

  • 投资中心 — Students find and analyze data in this 最先进的空间 with 12 Bloomberg terminals, a stock ticker, and newsfeed
  • 职业中心 — Organizes employment fairs, alumni visits, and the 纽约职业之旅
  • Career 管理 Courses -包括IBM Cognos和Bloomberg认证方面的指导
  • 校友的参与 — Financial execs give lectures and join students for Q&一个午宴
  • 金融竞争 -研究和交易竞赛提高分析和团队合作能力
  • 追求程序 -国际学习计划,旨在帮助金融学生在都柏林加速他们的学习, 爱尔兰或佛罗伦萨, 意大利
  • “最佳位置” -我们的校园距离纽约和奥尔巴尼都只有很短的火车车程, perfect for commuting to an internship

Learn from Financial Experts

bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学金融系的教职员工来自不同的行业背景. 他们与学生分享的经验导致全面的专业人士进入该领域. Due to our small class sizes, 我们的教师能够为每个学生提供一对一的关注, advising them on their unique paths toward successful careers. Meet a few of our faculty members below, or view all 金融 faculty >


坎图, originally from Monterrey, 墨西哥, has always been interested in finance, 他在bet亚洲365欢迎投注管理学院接受了很好的培训, 他在哪里主修工商管理,主修金融和创业. During his capping class, 坎图 and his teammates had the task of analyzing Starbucks and developing a strategic plan to make it more competitive; his role on the team was financial analysis. He’s also had valuable real-world experience, 在蒙特雷的福斯特希尔资本管理有限责任公司实习了一个夏天, a private alternative capital firm. 坎图 also makes use of the 管理学院’s 投资中心, which comes equipped with numerous Bloomberg terminals.

Read David's Story>

Students walking in front of the rotunda

在圣母, 我们致力于为学生提供全面的文科教育,为他们在各自领域的实践经验和深刻的成功做好准备,我们为此感到自豪. 但不要只相信我们的话,数字会说话.


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