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在线 MBA Graduate Degree

Earn Your MBA Degree 在线

At bet亚洲365欢迎投注 in Poughkeepsie, 纽约, our online Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA) is offered through the AACSB-accredited 管理学院. 认可 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 and the Princeton Review for its exceptional business programs, the Marist Master's in Business Administration online graduate degree program is one of the top online MBA programs in the country.

Marist's MBA curriculum is a comprehensive graduate degree program that emphasizes business practices alongside business analytics, leadership and ethics, technological infrastructure, and industry perspectives. Students enrolled in the MBA graduate program can tailor their academic experience to their personal career interests by selecting from one of our MBA concentrations. Students complete their degree 100% online without mandatory residencies, 然而, optional networking weekends in the 纽约 City area are available to students who are able to participate.

100% 在线, 100% Flexible - The Marist 在线 MBA Degree

The Master's in Business Administration degree can be earned 100% online thus providing MBA graduate students the flexibility they need to complete the program while still pursuing a full-time career.

索取小册子 to receive detailed program information about earning your Master's in Business Administration online through one of our specialized MBA programs.

了解更多 about Marist's 在线 MBA program curriculum and concentrations.

How Do 在线 MBA Courses Work?

在线 Master's in Business Administration Coursework

Using the Marist iLearn system, completing your Business Administration Master's degree courses are easily navigated through the communication capability of the online learning portal. Any work assigned by professors is completed and submitted online through a Word document, PowerPoint slide deck, or Excel spreadsheet attachment.

The course syllabus and calendar will outline all final due dates for course readings, 集团项目, 在线讨论, and assignments that should be completed. Discussion questions and problems are usually assigned with each reading to help online students connect with one another and help deepen the learning process.

Asynchronous 在线 Business Degree

Due to the unique layout of the online courses at Marist, students are not expected to complete on-campus requirements. With asynchronous classes, students can log into iLearn at a time that is convenient for them to complete their assignments. This format allows students to partake in classroom discussions with students from all over the world. Everyone can participate in class and the discussions which arise from the lessons and projects.

Contact us to learn more about taking classes online and how to earn your online Master's in Business Administration.
