
Front Row and Backstage at the World’s Most Exclusive Fashion Show

Daryl Richard, Vice President of Marketing and Communications
米兰,圣母学院的学生(坐在最左边)在弗朗西斯卡Liberatore的时装秀上, Italy (photo by Jodi Hartmann, School of Communication and the Arts).

10月2日, 2023年,玛丽斯特的学生们获得了世界上最独特的时尚活动之一——米兰时装周的前排座位和后台.

Through the College’s partnership with Italian designer 弗朗西斯卡Liberatore, who has been working with Marist since 2016, nearly two dozen students studying 时装设计, 时尚的商品, global marketing communications were immersed in what’s considered one of the "big four" global fashion events. 米兰 Fashion Week was held Sept. 19 – 25 and in addition to Liberatore, included exhibits from brand name labels such as Versace, 古奇, 普拉达, 和芬迪.


"Never in a million years"

Students hopped on a high-speed train that took them from Marist’s Florence campus north to 米兰 in just under two hours. 这次经历如此独特的部分原因是,学生们在展览前一周与Liberatore和她的团队一起工作,并在准备展览时发挥积极作用. 这种与业内顶尖专业人士在首映行业活动中进行实践学习的机会,帮助Marist的时尚课程成为高等教育中的佼佼者.

“I would never have thought in a million years I’d be here at 米兰 Fashion Week,” said Gabrielle 布鲁斯南 '25, a 时尚的商品 major studying this semester in Florence. “这样的经历可以帮助你培养很多在课堂上学不到的技能, 比如沟通和学习如何与人建立关系,这将持续一生,并真正帮助我们进入这个行业.”

Image of Marist students with designer Liberatore.
左图:Gabrielle 布鲁斯南 '25(左)和Claudia Taracido '25(中)与设计师弗朗西斯卡Liberatore(右)讨论社交媒体内容。. RIGHT IMAGE: (left to right) Liberatore, 布鲁斯南, 和Taracido在模特身上查看配饰(图片来源:Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注).

In preparation for the show, students helped “match each model to a look, made sure each model complemented each look through color, 形状, 和运动,” said Claudia Taracido ‘25, 我这学期也在佛罗伦萨学习时装设计和时装营销双学位. “We helped dress the models, 指导模型, make them feel comfortable, 装饰他们的, 他们的风格.”


超过100名模特来到米兰市中心的工作室,这里是为选角而设的. 有些人坐了一个多小时的火车,希望自己能通过筛选,而这个过程可能只需要5到10分钟.

24岁的Sam Riviezzo(左一)和26岁的Sophia Garcia(左二)协助Liberatore(站在最右一)进行模特选角(图片来源:Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注).

两位bet亚洲365欢迎投注的学生和Liberatore的两名员工坐在房间前面的一张桌子旁,让每个模特第一次练习他们的走秀, with Liberatore observing from the back. If they were a potential fit, 然后,模特迅速搬到一个临时化妆间,在那里,其他学生和工作人员帮她挑选衣服,给她穿衣服.

Once the cast of models was finalized, 学生们帮助制作了一张卡片,上面详细说明了他们在演出期间要穿的衣服和配饰. This would be critical to a smooth backstage operation the day of the show.


也许对学生们来说最有意义的是有机会看到所有的努力和准备都在t台上变成了现实. 演出的那天, 11 Marist students got to work backstage with Liberatore’s team and the models, 包括掌握在60到120秒内给模特穿衣服和脱衣服的艺术,让观众看到一场完美同步的表演.

17名学生坐在秀场前排,与其他时尚界领袖和有影响力的人一起见证了米兰时装周的盛大. Liberatore的秀是在一个大沙坑周围举行的,跑道是一个大广场, giving attendees an up-close experience with the models.

Marist students await the start of Liberatore's fashion show.
伊莎贝拉·康弗蒂(左一)和莎拉·迪科斯莫(左二)在米兰时装周Liberatore的时装秀开始前与其他玛丽斯特学院的学生(Jodi Hartmann摄), School of Communication and the Arts).

“这个节目太棒了,” said Sarah DiCosmo ‘25, a 时尚的商品 major studying abroad in Florence for the semester. “It was really cool to see behind the scenes what goes into 米兰 Fashion Week. There is a lot more that goes into it than I originally thought. 我不知道给合适的模特买合适的衣服要花多少钱, how they walked in [the outfit] changed the story they told.”

Designer, Teacher, Mentor

Liberatore is not only a 时装设计er, but she’s also a teacher. In addition to her work with Marist students, 她在米兰美术学院(Academy of Fine Arts)教授时装设计研究生课程, one of the oldest public universities in Italy. 这所大学的历史可以追溯到1776年,以其对艺术史和教学的关注而闻名. 这种结合使得这对圣母学院的学生来说是一次丰富而有益的经历.

“Francesca is an amazing Italian 时装设计er,” said Isabella Conforti '25, a 时尚的商品 major studying in Florence for the fall semester. “She was so nice and kind to work with during Fashion Week, 她会解释,如果我们当时没有帮助她,她在做什么”,以确保我们了解整个过程的每一步.

Image of Liberatore sharing career advice with Marist students.
Liberatore(站, (最右)在米兰的时装秀准备日,与bet亚洲365欢迎投注的学生讨论她的作品,并分享职业建议(图片来源:Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注).

Liberatore在职业生涯早期曾为世界上一些最知名的设计公司工作, 包括维克多 & Rolf and Jean Paul Gaultier, before launching her own label in 2009. After winning Italy’s prestigious Next Generation competition the same year, she went on to have her designs shown in renowned fashion centers such as Paris, 纽约市, 米兰, 和伦敦.

Working with Marist is a ‘life coming full circle’ moment for Liberatore.

“当我年轻的时候, so many people gave to me great opportunity, this is what I want to provide to students, 致新一代. 我想让他们思考演出背后的整个过程,以及团队合作的重要性.”

On working with Marist students, she noted: “I’m impressed to see them growing. When they first arrive here, they are young and often very shy. But they are very open to their experience, 非常有激情, they’re really fast in understanding things. 当我回到Marist,看到他们如何组织自己的时装秀(Silver Needle Runway)时, 看到他们每个人如何决定自己想做什么以及他们在制作节目中扮演的角色,真是令人印象深刻.”

回顾她在意大利开学第一个月的经历, 康福尔蒂说:“我很幸运能去bet亚洲365欢迎投注,因为如果没有bet亚洲365欢迎投注时装项目和他们在业内的关系,我就不可能有这样的经历.”




