1月30日, 2024 — After a four-hour journey from Poughkeepsie to Nashua, 新汉普郡, donning their whatever backpacks and rolling suitcases, 34名圣母学院的学生进入喜来登酒店,遇到了一个挤满了特工和执法人员的大厅.

学生们很快意识到,在接下来的三个晚上,他们将与一位前美国大使住在同一家酒店.S. president and current presidential candidate. 这只是接下来几天等待他们的众多难忘时刻之一.

It was all part of an immersive educational excursion hosted by the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, giving unparalleled access to American democracy. 该研究所是全球公认的调查研究的黄金标准, 记者和政治竞选团队将密切关注今年总统大选的bet亚洲365欢迎投注民调数据.

The 新汉普郡 trip got off to a quick start with the eventful arrival.

“I wasn’t expecting to stay in the same hotel as Donald Trump,” said Madalynne Corallo '26, a double major in 社会工作 and political science. “从媒体到候选人,我们基本上亲眼目睹了初选的每一个领域.”

在1月6日总统初选前的几天里,这群人参观了新罕布什尔州. 23 included political rallies, 全国媒体活动, 以及与政治舞台上一些知名人士的独家问答环节.

Face-to-face and behind the scenes with national news outlets

“我是CNN和达纳·巴什的忠实粉丝,”24岁的政治学专业学生玛丽莎·赫伯特(Marissa Hebert)说. Hebert and her peers got a front-row seat to a production of Bash’s 在政治 show, and had the rare opportunity for an informal chat with the anchor.


In addition to Bash’s program, students attended live productions of NBC’s Meet the Press with Kristen Welker 和MSNBC的 和珍·莎琪在里面. 这些主持人还回答了学生们的问题,美国全国广播公司首席政治分析师查克·托德也回答了问题.

Image of students meeting Kristen Welker.
Students meet Kristen Welker, host of Meet the Press on NBC. Photo by Bobby Oliver/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

“这次旅行把我们带出了教室,把我们带到总统初选的中间,”医生说。. Lee 米林戈夫, Director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion.

Absorbed into the experience of the primary campaign, 学生们在他们参加的活动中实时了解突发新闻. 

西尔维娅·威索尔,26岁, a communications major concentrating in journalism, 当佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯退出竞选的消息传出时,正在唐纳德·特朗普的竞选活动中排队吗.

“我是从一个特朗普的支持者那里得到这个消息的,他在我们后面排队, 所以,能亲眼目睹这种兴奋,并从他们那里得知这个消息,而不是在网上阅读,是一种很酷的感觉,威索尔说.

bet亚洲365欢迎投注民意调查从2012年开始对新罕布什尔州进行初选,此后的每个总统选举季都是如此. 两名学生参加了第一次旅行,随着时间的推移,它呈指数级增长. 今年,bet亚洲365欢迎投注校长凯文·温曼(Kevin Weinman)和他的妻子贝丝(Beth)参加了该组织的几次活动.

Image of President Weinman taking selfie with students.
bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学校长凯文·温曼在新罕布什尔与学生们自拍. Photo by Bobby Oliver/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

参加活动的34名学生被分成两组,乘坐两辆公共汽车,在花岗岩州参加不同的政治活动. Both groups attended one rally for Trump, and one rally for his challenger, 前南卡罗来纳州州长和前联合国大使尼基·黑利. 

The trip took place in the final days leading up to the primary election, 学生们冒着寒冷的冬天,花了几个小时进入竞选活动最激烈的地方.

“在这次旅行之前,我就知道政治是情绪化的,但看到人们如此热情,真的让我大开眼界,25岁的马修·佩特说, 政治学专业.

特朗普和黑利的竞选团队在讨好不同的选民群体时语调截然不同. Experiencing this difference in person, 米林戈夫说, is a major part of the education of this trip.

“The candidates are different, 观众是不同的, 事件是不同的, 他们有机会看到这种差异,并从政治角度消化它,他说.

“在特朗普的集会上,我看到的第一个排队的人穿着全套牛仔西装,戴着牛仔帽,挥舞着一面50英尺长的旗帜,上面有特朗普和他的口号,26岁的伊桑·索里说, a double major in global studies and political science. “That was very interesting and made a couple of us chuckle.”

“尼基·黑利的集会与特朗普的集会截然不同,24岁的雅典·霍利斯说, 政治学专业. “It was much more calm, much more tame. It was a completely different demographic of people.”

Students get insider insights into political climate, candidates

Helping contextualize the experience was journalist Steven Thomma, Executive Director of the White House Correspondents' Association, who spent decades covering presidential campaigns. 

Thomma加入了这个小组,就当前的政治气候和竞选状况提供想法和分析. He made himself available to answer student questions throughout the trip.

“我得向他请教一下,”主修政治学的26岁学生帕特里克·盖伊(Patrick Gay)说. “我们讨论了唐纳德·特朗普可能的副总统候选人,看看他的预测是什么以及他是怎么想的,这很有趣.”

“我真的很感激bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学为学生提供的现实生活经验,托马斯说。. “I think it’s terrific and not every college does it. But Marist does it aggressively and well, and it pays off.” 

Image of Philip Bump and Steven Thomma talking with the Marist cohort.
菲利普·巴普 华盛顿邮报 (中左)和白宫记者协会的史蒂文·托马(中右)与奥巴马博士一起回答学生们的问题. Lee 米林戈夫 (left) and Dr. 芭芭拉·卡瓦略(右). Photo by Bobby Oliver/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

On the first evening of the trip, Thomma took part in a question-and-answer session with the students alongside 华盛顿邮报》 columnist Philip Bump, who recently visited the Poughkeepsie campus for a sit-down discussion with students in Dr. 米林戈夫’s political science course.

Although the trip centers on politics and journalism, students in a variety of majors including business administration, 心理学, 应用数学, 社会工作, and criminal justice took part.

“We all participate in democracy in some way,”医生说。. Barbara Carvalho, Director of the whatever. “Students who experience the 新汉普郡 trip, regardless of their interest in politics, 这样你就能更好地理解什么是民主,什么是政治进程.”

科林·马丁,26岁, an 应用数学 major with a data science and analytics minor, 对他的学术兴趣与政治世界的交集感到好奇吗.

“Data is used in quite literally everything,” said Martin. “我和史蒂文·托马谈论了民意调查数据的重要性以及它如何影响他的工作, which is exactly something that I wanted to get from this trip.”


The excitement was palpable even as the journey drew to a close. 有几个学生找到监督这次旅行的bet亚洲365欢迎投注民意调查的工作人员,问他们是否可以多待一天,以便在新罕布什尔看到选举结果.

“They don’t want to go back home,”医生说。. 米林戈夫. “他们很想多放几天假,但政治节目还在继续.”

看到更多: 图片介绍:看看图片,听听红狐们的声音,他们在新罕布什尔州亲眼目睹了民主.

