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Office Hours with Dr. 爱德华·安东尼奥

Michelle Eggink, Assistant Director of Content Marketing & 通信
Dr. 爱德华·安东尼奥 inside his office in Lowell Thomas. Photo by Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

办公时间是一个片段,内部的bet亚洲365欢迎投注团队火花迷人的对话与校园社区的主要成员. Find out more about the inner workings of the College, gain fresh perspectives, 并庆祝那些使bet亚洲365欢迎投注成为一个充满活力的社区的人做出的宝贵贡献.

In this segment, Inside Marist’s Michelle Eggink interviews Dr. 爱德华·安东尼奥, Vice President of 多样性、股票、 & 包容.

博士图像. 安东尼奥
Dr. 爱德华·安东尼奥, VP of DEI. Photo by Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Q What are some things most people don't know about you?

First, I am a scratch golfer. I was taught golf by the late Tim Price, 津巴布韦职业高尔夫球手(三次大满贯冠军)尼克·普莱斯的兄弟. I actually caddied for Nick Price in Zimbabwe. I rowed in college and was a coxswain. 我会说多种语言,但人们不会把我和希伯来语联系在一起. 在成为一名学者之前,我是一名记者,后来成为一名行政人员.

Q What activities do you enjoy outside of academia?

在学术界之外,我读了很多书,做了很多菜,我自己烘焙、跑步和烤咖啡. I make artisan breads, truffles, British scones, and cakes. 虽然我远非鉴赏家,但我收藏葡萄酒和单一麦芽苏格兰威士忌.

Q I love the windows in your office; what do you like about your office’s central view of campus?

Whenever I look outside of my office windows [in Lowell Thomas], I get to see so many of our students walking by. 当我看到他们时,我不禁想到他们每个人都在旅途中. 他们每个人都有希望、梦想、恐惧、担忧和巨大的潜力. 我不认为他们中的任何一个是理所当然的,看到他们在一个学习的环境中感到兴奋, 成长, and create their own story. It is a powerful reminder of why we are here.

Dr. 安东尼奥 looking out his office windows
Dr. 安东尼奥 looking out his office windows. Photo by Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

问:“归属”一词如何适用于多元化、公平、 & 包容?

A Belonging has many facets. 这些包括宾至如归的感觉、情感联系、接受和包容. At Marist, belonging is a hope. 我们希望每个人都有一种归属感,一种与这个地方紧密相连的感觉. Belonging is a promise, 因此,我们努力创造一个人人都能接受这一承诺的环境. Belonging is an invitation to everyone who studies, 作品, and plays here to claim Marist as vital part of their experience, as a part of their identity as a Red Fox. Now belonging doesn’t happen without context. We need to establish diversity, equity, 和包容 first. 来自各行各业的人们必须走到一起,创造一个我们都能归属感的环境.

问:有归属感对身心健康有很多好处. 作为一个群体,我们怎样才能在存在差异的情况下感受到彼此的归属感?

A As human beings, we are hardwired for belonging and connection. 寻找归属感是我们的基因组成,因为我们需要它来生存和发展. If you look at nature, everything is interconnected, 多样性是每个生态系统结构的组成部分,帮助万物生存.

The trouble is that we have somehow decided to disconnect, to alienate ourselves from nature and from each other. 我们生活在一个两极分化的世界里,正是因为我们忘记了我们之所以为人,是因为我们彼此属于对方. 所以,我们为种族、性别和其他差异找借口来分裂自己. My vision in the Office of DEI&B是帮助创造一种环境,在这种环境中,我们看到并承认彼此的差异, we also notice how we all have so much in common. 我们都是相互联系的,我们都属于彼此,无论多么不同或独特. It is an important balance to maintain.

博士图像. 安东尼奥 with colleagues discussing interfaith project.
博士图像. 安东尼奥 and colleagues discussing the interfaith project. Photo by Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Q What are the top 3 goals of the Office of DEI?

A 1) Ongoing Learning & Transformational Development为了创造有意义的改变,我们需要持续学习. 我们需要了解我们自己,了解我们带来的不同, 我们需要了解彼此,了解我们在bet亚洲365欢迎投注的社区. DEI办公室&B will help foster learning and development through 作品hops, educational opportunities, 并帮助教师将公平的心态带入他们的研究和教学中. This learning will happen through 作品hops, 小组讨论, online courses for 教师, staff and students through different kinds of DEI programming.
2) Building Community Through Narrative- To develop a strong DEI community spirit, 我们将引入故事分享和故事交流活动,以帮助人们培养更多的同理心,并获得不同的观点. 在这个过程中, we will have students, 教师, 员工们坐在一起,分享他们自己的故事,bet亚洲365欢迎投注他们的背景和生活的重要方面. After someone has shared their story, 另一个听过的人会把那个人的故事当作自己的故事来讲. 专家引导者会解释这种做法,帮助人们学会换位思考,以及换位思考是什么感觉.
3) Establishing Restorative Justice Practices- Working with 教师 and staff, 本署会介绍恢复性司法的做法,以加深和加强社区意识, 解决我们在关系和互动中遇到的挑战,这些挑战是我们生活在一个多样化的社区中的一部分. 恢复性司法对于修复破裂的关系和促进更好的关怀和移情互动非常重要.

博士图像. 安东尼奥 with students
Dr. 安东尼奥在bet亚洲365欢迎投注的新生日与学生交谈. Photo by Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

问:bet亚洲365欢迎投注DEI办公室,你有什么想要澄清的吗&B and what diversity means for the institution?

重要的是,人们要明白,DEI包含的不仅仅是种族, 性, 性别, 和残疾. 该办公室的主要目标是为学院提供领导,以培养社区和联系意识. 这是为了帮助我们了解我们的差异是资产而不是负债. This isn't just about race; it's about human connection. 在本质上, 这是bet亚洲365欢迎投注培养一个关心公平的人的社区, 正义, 和包容.

DEI不是一个次要的或事后的想法,它是这个学院的使命和愿景的核心部分. 我们共同塑造了我们想要成为其中一员的社区. 每一个人, 是否一个学生, 工作人员, 或者教职员工, brings unique talents to the table. 我非常关心每个人都感到被接受,并且DEI是我们所有工作的一部分.

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