Students talking to each other in front of posters


Image of 克里斯汀Lawler



Academic School

管理, Computer 科学 and Math



克里斯汀Lawler is from Nutley, 2017年毕业于bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学,主修应用数学,辅修商科.  She is currently a Research/Data Analyst at ITG in 纽约 City.

What brought you to Marist originally?

我来到bet亚洲365欢迎投注是因为我想要一个全面的文科教育. I have so many interests – at one point, 我甚至考虑过成为一名糕点师——但我不想把自己归类. 我喜欢bet亚洲365欢迎投注的一个原因是它有很多强大的学科可供选择. 这一点,再加上校园和哈德逊河谷的美景,说服了我!


我一开始是没有申报的,因为我不知道我想做什么职业. 我发现FOCUS课程非常有帮助,因为我对自己的选择有了深刻的理解, the registration process, 等. It also taught me to advocate for myself. One of my projects was to interview a professor, so I interviewed [Associate Professor of Mathematics] Matt Glomski, who I was taking Calculus I with, and I got to know him well.他最终说服我主修应用数学,并成为我的学术和研究顾问. 为了在经济、金融和人力资源方面打下坚实的基础,我还辅修了商科.我认为更广泛的知识对我以后的工作很有帮助.

本科 research was a big part of my Marist experience. During my sophomore year, 与格隆斯基教授合作的一个研究项目获得了美国国家科学基金会资助的德克萨斯州萨姆休斯顿州立大学本科生研究经验资助. 这个项目是bet亚洲365欢迎投注数学生态学的,是bet亚洲365欢迎投注分析鸣鹤的栖息地的.我们的目标是在阿肯色州国家野生动物保护区的鸣鹤领地内建立一个考虑生物和非生物因素的模型, and predicts the net energy intake of a crane throughout the winter. 有了这样一个模型,将有助于确定人类干预是否有必要,以确保鸣鹤作为一个物种的生存.事实上, 我真的很兴奋,因为我那年夏天写的论文刚刚被SIURO (SIAM本科生研究)接受发表。.

作为一名学生, 我最难忘的一些时刻来自于我参加的社团和校园活动. During my time at Marist, 我有幸成为数学荣誉协会Pi Mu Epsilon的主席, as well as the math club. 当我开始的时候, I was surprised that the math club only had four students in it, but I did a lot of outreach at the activities fair and other venues. 作为Pi Mu Epsilon和数学俱乐部的主席,我们创造了协同效应,使我们能够举办更频繁、更大规模的活动.我知道数学可能很吓人,所以我们想让数学俱乐部看起来容易上手而且有趣.我们向非数学专业的学生开放,并计划了大量的社交活动. 我真的很自豪,我们最终将数学俱乐部的成员增加到85多名活跃的学生.如果我没有提到我作为女低音和编舞在圣母歌手中的参与,那我就太疏忽了.成为这个组织的一员在很多方面都很有成就感:音乐上、社交上和精神上.

What’s your favorite Marist memory?

My undergraduate research experience is a wonderful memory, 他正在接受学士学位数学优秀奖.In terms of the most memorable, 然而, 我必须指出在Marist的年度大屠杀纪念活动中编舞和表演的经历.这是一个如此庄严、感人的时刻,我很荣幸能参与其中.

Were there specific faculty members who really had an impact on you?

作为一名学生,我曾在bet亚洲365欢迎投注经济研究局担任研究助理.导演, [Affiliate Assistant Professor of Economics] Christy Caridi, 他非常支持我的应用数学专业,为什么它能适用于这么多的问题.She provided me with great advice.Both she and Professor Glomski were mentors to me in so many ways, and I would not be where I am today without them.In the School of Computer 科学 and Mathematics, 我还要提到Peter Krog(数学副教授), who is a phenomenal teacher.数学有一定的进入门槛,因为人们有一种先入为主的观念,认为它真的很难.我发现克罗格教授解释事情的方式很好,而且他讲得透彻而有效.[Professor of Mathematics] Joe Kirtland was also great.Even though I didn’t have classes with him, I must have knocked on his door four times a week to ask questions, and he was always so welcoming.

What do you do at your current job?

I’m a Research/Data Analyst at Investment Technology Group, Inc. (ITG), 一家拥有对冲基金和资产管理客户的经纪和金融市场技术公司. 我在ITG的分析部门,我们专注于交易成本分析.我们使用数学/统计模型,通过最小化交易过程中的成本,帮助投资组合经理和交易员为客户实现更好的回报.我经常充当技术方和客户方之间的中介.I help our clients understand our database and cost model, 同时也要理解客户的需求并将其传达给技术团队.ITG is a small enough company that I see the CEO walking around, but big enough that we have clients and offices globally.到目前为止, 我有机会去巴尔的摩和芝加哥参加客户会议, and I hope to continue doing that.

从职业角度来说,你认为自己5到10年后会是什么样子?  Do you want to return to graduate school?

我觉得我在交易成本分析方面有独特的优势,我真的很喜欢我的公司. 最后,我想去读兼职研究生,并最终获得博士学位.

Is there any advice you’d share with current Marist students?

特别是对于数学专业的学生,不管有多少博士建议的练习,都要做. 克罗格博士. Glomski assign, and READ THAT TEXTBOOK!  It might not be mandatory, but it is so worth it.  当到了期末考试的时候,你会很高兴你做了.

为 all Marist students, 我建议他们好好利用这四年,因为这四年转瞬即逝. 珍惜你所拥有的所有资源和机会. Get involved, even if feels like you’re overextending yourself. You won’t regret it.
