









My current academic goal is to finish my doctoral degree in physical therapy and pass my national board licensure exam soon after. My interest is currently in acute inpatient and outpatient care. I have a keen interest in neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation and care. I am fond of the fact that my doctoral degree empowers me to learn how to treat a wide spectrum of conditions and cases.

My overall career goals include attaining my DPT and expanding my side business as a Dj. 尽管学业安排很忙, I currently work as a Dj and my expertise is in both public and private events. It started as a hobby many years ago but has grown and become a part of me. 目前我的重点是我的学术责任, but in the future my main goal is to have my own PT practice that treats a wide array of patient populations and to have a successful Dj and entertainment business simultaneously. Who says you can’t have wear a stethoscope during the weekdays and headphones on the weekends!

你为什么选择在bet亚洲365欢迎投注攻读研究生学位? 你为什么选择攻读这个学位课程?

当我申请研究生学位的时候, there were few options that offered what the Marist DPT program offered. Mainly, the gross anatomy lab which allowed for human cadaver dissections for our gross anatomy courses. Furthermore, upon meeting the DPT program faculty and visiting the Allied health building. 我觉得在这里很自在. Despite the faculties extensive credentials and successful careers as doctors and providers, 他们是我所见过的最谦卑的人. 我忍不住把bet亚洲365欢迎投注DPT项目作为首选. 美丽校园的结合, 现代化设施, 项目设施, 还有令人难以置信的项目教员. bet亚洲365欢迎投注DPT项目是显而易见的. Not to mention, Marist is one hour away form my grandmother’s house and that is important to me.

Tell us about a project or course that was particularly meaningful to your professional development / academic development.

First thing that comes to mind is my first clinical affiliation. 我被安排在纽约州扬克斯的一家门诊. I was blessed to be a part of an incredible staff and environment. My clinical instructor encouraged me to implement what I learned in class/lab to real life patients. However, what was most meaningful to me from this experience was when I was able to help the local middle eastern community. Being that I was born and raised in Jordan, my mother tongue is the Arabic language.

During my fist clinical rotation, the clinic I was at had an influx of Arabic speaking patients. It got to a point where I was performing complete initial evaluations and treatment sessions in Arabic. This was a real test for me as I had to be able to apply all what I have learned in a different language on a person not a make-believe case study. This experience helped me develop my professional skills and more importantly made those patients feel comfortable during their rehabilitation process.

Tell us about a meaningful experience you had at Marist as it pertains to your degree (whether that be with a Professor, bet亚洲365欢迎投注服务, 奖学金的机会, etc.).

bet亚洲365欢迎投注DPT项目日历为3年9个月. 我们全年都有课程和临床轮转, 但我们总是尽量让事情变得有趣. 例如, during the summer trimester the students of the second-year cohort organize the Marist DPT summer Olympics. This is a pay-to-pay event where all the money goes to a charity, 机构, 或者是他们选择的原因. This past year, it was my cohorts turn to host and we wanted to make it special. We decided to donate to the Abilities First UPK school in Hyde Park.

However, to make the event more interesting my classmate pitched the idea of having me provide music during the Olympics. This was the first time where I was able to incorporate my passion as Dj to the Marist DPT program. 这次活动非常成功. I was able to perform in front of my classmates and faculty for the first time and it was some of the most fun I have had behind the decks. I take great pride in being able to provide music and entertainment service to the Marist DPT program and hopefully the Marist college community.

What advice would you give to a student considering pursuing this degree at Marist?

My biggest piece of advice to any incoming students to the Marist DPT program is to be as flexible and coachable as possible. Starting PT school, you will get hit with a lot of new information and difficult content. Some of your study techniques and learning styles from previous stops may be effective once you get here. 然而,在我的情况下,他们不是那么有效. I had to change my study techniques and essentially start from scratch. 我必须灵活应变,尝试新的学习方法. All the faculty in the program were helpful and gave me tons of advice on how to absorb information and apply it. 这就是可教练性的由来. It took some time, but I was able to figure out how to study and take tests. I highly recommend that all incoming students consider being flexible, 愿意在学术生涯中尝试新事物, 接受指导.

Please include any additional pertinent information as it pertains to your course of study and/or Marist experience.

我的圣母经历让我大开眼界,非常积极. 我喜欢校园的特色, 我有一群很棒的朋友, and I am beyond thankful for the faculty that I am learning from. Despite the program intensity and the necessary stress that it brings, 我很感激我能来到这里. Selecting an educational 机构 should be a fit not a trophy. Luckily, being a red fox is both a perfect fit and a title I am proud to carry.
