

对暑期大学预科有问题吗? 你来对地方了!



Q. 我为什么要参加玛丽斯特的暑期预科?

A. Marist's 夏天预科 program is an exciting way for students to gain a unique college experience while still in high school. 

Academically, the students will be receiving 3 transferable college credits. 由玛丽斯特的全国认可的教师授课, 该计划将提供一个具有挑战性的, 但同样有益的经历. The program allows students to utilize state-of-the-art technology, 获得在各自领域的实践经验, 并获得三个大学学分. 

Socially, students will be working and residing with diverse classmates from around the world! 他们将住在校园宿舍, 在我们的餐厅用餐, 并探索他们可能喜欢从事的不同职业.

专业, Pre-College graduates gain the skills and confidence essential for success, 不管他们将来打算去哪里学习. Students will work one-on-one with Marist faculty and admission representatives, creating an outstanding support network as they continue their college search process. Students can request a one-on-one interview with an admission counselor in-person or virtually, and/or a letter of recommendation from their Marist professor, 这是任何大学申请的有力补充. 

Q. 谁有资格参加暑期大学预科?

A. The program is geared towards rising juniors and seniors in high school. Rising sophomores and graduating seniors may still apply and will be reviewed on a space-available basis.

Q. How do interested students go about the 应用程序 process?

A. 准学生须提交一份完整的 应用程序,正式的高中成绩单 大学预科成绩单申请表) ,一个 大学预科推荐表格  , and a short essay about their interest in a Marist 夏天预科 program.

Q. 申请截止日期是什么时候?

A. Acceptance into the 夏天预科 Program is on a rolling, space-available basis per program.

Q. When will I hear back regarding a decision on my 应用程序?

A. 暑期预科开始录取了. It typically takes up to 14 days to complete your 应用程序 and share it with the 入学 Committee. 此时,应用程序就完成了, 收到录取决定需要2-3周的时间. 入学 decisions will be delivered via US Post Office Mail.

Q. 玛丽斯特的暑期预科费用是多少?

请参阅下面的2024年大学预科课程费用. 费用包括学费 & 费用、住房 & 所有餐费,实地考察,以及所有课程资料. 费用不包括差旅费. 学生可能希望携带费用, 在bet亚洲365欢迎投注书店或当地的购物中心购物, 纪念品, 以及他们想购买的任何个人物品.

  • 纽约第一阶段或第二阶段,3个大学学分:3500美元
  • New York Session I and Session II, 6 college credits: $6,300 
  • 虚拟会话,3个大学学分:1500美元

Q. Are any types of financial aid available for prospective students?

A. 目前,没有资金可用.

Q. 节目的日期是什么时候?

Marist will offer nearly 20 unique programs in June and July. 两个人的约会 

纽约现场会议I: 2024年6月30日至7月13日
纽约现场会议II: 2024年7月14日至27日

Students may participate in multiple sessions, provided dates do not overlap. 

为 a list of programs and dates they are offered, please visit the 地点/日期页面

Q. 我可以多门课程吗?

A. 是的! Students can choose one program for three college credits in Session I or Session II, or stay for both sessions and earn 6 college credits over a 4-week period.

Q. 学生有监督吗??

A. 为了充分享受圣母学院的bet亚洲365欢迎投注, students will be supervised by both a Resident Director (full-time staff member) and Residential Assistants. Our primary goal is to make sure the students are safe during their time on campus. 学生将每天24小时接受监督.

Q. 我们住在哪里?? 我们在哪里吃饭??

A. Pre-College students will live in Marist's residence halls and eat in the Marist dining hall. 学生们可以期待各种新鲜准备的食物, house made offerings in the 美利学生中心 dining hall at each meal period. Highlights include our LIFE Station; which offers inclusive dining free of the top nine recognized allergens. A rotating menu of items will be offered daily along with traditional favorites like pizza and burgers. Students will also be treated to nightly events including a sundae bar, pretzel night and more!

Q. 这算大学学分吗?

A. Students will earn 3 transferable college credits upon completion of the course. 课程描述可在 项目页面. Please note: while most colleges and universities will accept these credits, each institution will evaluate them to determine their transferability.

Q. 工作有多难?

A. 你将学习大学水平的材料. 你将面临挑战, but also encouraged in your learning experience by faculty instructors dedicated to helping you. This program will provide a strong idea of what college work will be like for you.

Q. 我在高中时得到住宿, are accommodations available during the 夏天预科 program? 

A. Accommodations are available during the program and students have been successful in previous years. 然而, previous students have been most successful when they’ve contacted us in advance to ensure the support they need is available during the program. We recommend contacting us to speak about your specific needs and to ensure you will be academically and socially successful during the program.

Q. 我打算乘飞机去纽约, what is the best way to get from the plane to the bet亚洲365欢迎投注 campus?

为计划飞往纽约市区的学生准备的, 或纽约市的居民, bet亚洲365欢迎投注将提供往返约翰F. 肯尼迪国际机场(JFK). 

  • 第一部分班车: The shuttle will leave the airport Saturday, June 29, by 4 p.m. and will return students to the airport 7月13日星期六. In order to allocate enough time to go through security and get to your terminal, 我们建议预订返程机票,不要早于下午4点.m. 7月13日星期六. Students taking the return shuttle to JFK will be contacted with the specific time and location for departure from Marist. 
  • 第二部分班车: The shuttle will leave the airport Saturday, July 13 by 4 p.m. and will return students to the airport 7月27日星期六. In order to allocate enough time to go through security and get to your terminal, 我们建议预订返程机票,不要早于下午4点.m. 7月27日星期六. Students taking the return shuttle to JFK will be contacted with the specific time and location for departure from Marist.

Q. 国际学生可以申请暑期预科吗?

A. 不幸的是, due to the short-term status of the program The US Department of State prohibits us from issuing F-1 student Visa’s required for non US citizens to enroll. 学生可以报名参加我们的 虚拟网络安全程序. If you would like to speak with an admission counselor, please contact our office at (845) 575-3226.

Q. bet亚洲365欢迎投注健康表格的要求,我可以联系谁?

A. If you have questions about the Health 为m requirements to attend Marist’s Pre-College program, please contact the 本科 入学 Office at 845-575-3226.