





开始与Duo -注册在Duo移动 & 使用Duo Push






1. 当你第一次在Duo注册时, 登录myMarist或web版的O365 (myMail), 将显示Duo安全欢迎屏幕

2. 点击 开始安装

3. Choose which type of Duo you are adding as your second factor of authentication, 然后单击 继续

4. 选择你的国家和输入你的电话号码,然后点击 继续

5. 选择您的Duo操作系统并单击 继续

6. 安装两人移动应用程序.  安装完成后,单击 我已经安装了两人移动

a. 打开App store应用,search“两人移动”


b. 点击“获取”,然后点击“安装”来下载应用程序

7. Activate 两人移动 by scanning the barcode / QR code with the app's built-in barcode scanner, 然后单击  继续

8. Your Duo is now ready to approve Duo push authentication requests.

点击这里了解更多bet亚洲365欢迎投注Duo注册的信息: 双因素认证指南-注册指南

See below for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) about Duo and Multi-Factor Authentication.

Marist updated to Duo's Universal Prompt on Thursday, August 17, 2023.

当你连接到校外的圣母服务时, 您将看到类似如下的屏幕:

Then check your phone or other device for the prompt to accept.

If you would like to use another device you have set up other than the one currently receiving the Duo prompt, 你可以点击或选择“其他选项”连结:

When you select "Other options" you will see a screen similar to the one below listing all potential devices you have set up in Duo:

选择您希望在哪个设备上接收Duo提示. Then accept the prompt and you will successfully be able to connect with the Marist service you are trying to use.

您可以阅读更多bet亚洲365欢迎投注通用提示符的信息,请访问 两人的网站.



——安卓 设备可以直接从Duo应用中设置.  点击这里了解更多bet亚洲365欢迎投注Android的恢复信息: Android双恢复
——苹果 设备可以使用iCloud钥匙链或加密的iTunes备份.  点击 here for more information on backing up your Apple device: 如何备份你的iPhone、iPad和iPod touch

* You can easily restore the Duo Mobile App when you replace your smart device once you have backed up your Duo mobile app.  点击 here for more information on the process to restore Duo on new or current mobile devices: 两人恢复

你有 MAC?  You can set up Apple Touch ID as an additional Duo access option.  点击 here for more information on using Apple Touch ID with Duo: 使用苹果Touch ID与Duo

*你的Duo推送不允许访问的问题?  点击 here for more information on issues with push notifications: Common Issues - I have stopped recieving push notifications on 两人移动

* 双因素认证指南-双重安全 is a great resource for many other features and questions you may have.

向Duo添加新设备很容易.  请按照下面的说明操作: 添加新设备.

两人安全 is a company that provides a cloud-based software service that utilizes Multi-Factor Authentication to ensure secure access to services and data.


MFA provides an additional layer of security to any type of login, 需要额外的信息或物理Duo登录, 除了你的密码. 通过要求多层身份验证, we can protect user logins from remote attacks that may exploit stolen usernames and passwords. Verifying your identity using MFA prevents anyone but you for logging in, 即使他们知道你的密码.


Login credentials are more valuable than ever and are increasingly easy to compromise. Over 90% of breaches today involve compromised usernames and passwords.
MFA enhances the security of your account by using a secondary Duo to verify your identity. This prevents anyone but you from accessing your account, 即使他们知道你的密码.


When logging into an application that is protected by Duo (Marist public-facing websites – myMarist, O365)从校园, 登录体验不会改变. When logging into an application that is protected by Duo from off-campus, you will need to complete a method of multi/two-factor authentication. 您仍然需要输入您的Marist用户名和密码, and then select a method for you to receive that second factor of authentication (i.e. 推送通知或密码). Once you approve the push notification or type in the passcode you can access the service. 




如果你在校外注册Marist VPN, 您输入您的Marist帐户和密码, 将Duo应用程序用于第二个因素, and will then be single signed into the other public-facing systems you typically use at Marist.

  1. 如往常一样输入用户名和密码
  2. 用你的手机验证你的身份
  3. 安全登录

一旦你注册了Duo,你就可以开始了.  You'll login as usual with your username and password, and then use your Duo to verify that it's you.

iOS, Android, Windows Phone,硬件令牌,Touch ID

你可以用平板电脑, 在计算机商店购买硬件令牌, 或者在MacBook上使用Touch ID.

与计算机商店联系,地址为 compstore@azarnewsonline.com 购买硬件令牌.

两人移动 is 两人安全’s free app that allows you to quickly and easily approve a second-factor authentication request 使用Duo Push. 通过两人移动和Duo Push, there is no need to carry a bulky token or waste time manually entering passcodes. 只需在智能手机上点击验证即可.

点击这里了解更多bet亚洲365欢迎投注两人移动的信息: Duo移动应用程序- Duo安全

点击这里了解更多bet亚洲365欢迎投注Duo Push的信息: 双人推示范

When you authenticate using a hardware token, click the Enter a Passcode button. Press the button on your hardware token to generate a new passcode, 在提供的空白处输入, 点击“登录”.  你也可以观看这个简短的视频 使用硬件令牌进行身份验证.

点击 here for more information about how the Hardware Token works: 使用Duo和硬件令牌

Please contact the Marist Help Desk for any technical support needs:



几乎没有. 向Duo推送500次将总共使用1mb的数据. This is roughly equivalent to loading one webpage on your smartphone.

No. 两人移动无法访问更改手机上的设置. 两人移动无法读取您的电子邮件, 它看不到你的浏览器历史记录, 它需要你的许可才能给你发送通知. 最后,两人移动不能远程擦除您的手机. The visibility 两人移动 requires is to verify the security of your Duo, 例如操作系统版本, 双加密状态, 屏幕锁, 等. We use this to help recommend security improvements to your Duo and you are in control of whether or not you take action on these recommendations.

两人移动 only accesses your camera to scan a QR code during activation. 或者,您可以单击“发送激活邮件给我”. 然后,您可以通过此链接继续注册.

是的,您可以在web浏览器中保存您的Duo身份验证. 这将减少MFA的频率长达7天.  这个选项可以在Duo提示屏幕上选择 记得我.


  • The option relies on browser cookies -- if you are using private (incognito) mode on your browser, 你不能选择 记得我.
  • It is browser specific -- the option is specific to each browser you use, not the entire computer.  If you use multiple browsers, you have to select it on each one.
  • 自动推送—— 记得我 选项必须在Duo Push到您的智能手机之前选中.  If you are using auto-push, you will need to cancel the push and then select the option.  The checkbox will then stay selected for all future auto-pushes.
  • VPN will always require MFA -- the VPN authentication pop-up browser cannot save cookies.  每次登录VPN服务仍然需要Duo MFA.
  • 只能在自己的计算机上选择此选项 ——不选择 记得我 on any device that you do not personally control, such as a public computer.
  • 在每次登录时使用MFA仍然是最安全的 -- we are changing this configuration to allow individuals to make a choice based on their preferences.  但是,在每次登录时使用MFA仍然更安全.