


The transition to college can be both an exciting and challenging time for a student and their family. It is common for family members and parents to be impacted by the increased demands these changes may have. The information below is provided to aid you in better supporting both yourself and your student in coping with the transition to college life.


  • Your student may send you conflicting messages on what they need: It can be difficult for family to go through the change process with their young adult child, not knowing what will be most helpful to them in these new situations. They may be sending you mixed messages about what they need from you given their lack of experience in this new environment. The best thing that you can do is try to remain steady and supportive and let them know that you respect them and will be there to advise them when asked.

  • It may be a rough transition negotiating their newfound independence: Students can struggle at first with their increased sense of freedom and responsibilities, and parents can sometimes step in and take over when it isn’t necessary- this is all part of the normal adjustment process. Sometimes students don’t begin to take the lead until their parents step back, which can be very difficult because there is no guarantee that your child will make the most responsible decision 或者是 one you would choose. 不过, it is important to remember that encouraging them to engage in active problem-solving is the best way to develop their independence and coping abilities.

  • Your student’s expectations may not match their experiences on campus: Your family member may have had a specific idea about what college was going to be like, 适应现实, 无论是社交的还是学术的, 会给学习带来新的挑战吗, 何时寻求支持, 以及如何与他人建立新的关系. Encouraging your child to ask questions and utilize resources that are available to them when needed (like the 住宿和无障碍办公室 或者是 咨询中心) is important to their growth and success as an emerging adult.


It is normal f或者是re to be some ups and downs in your family member’s moods and their relationships during this time of transition. Some students benefit from additional support to help them adjust to the college environment. You may notice some of the following signs that your family member is struggling and could use some extra support:

  • 与他人相处时易怒

  • 任何显著的外观变化(例如.g. 卫生、衣着、体重)

  • A drop in grades or academic performance from a previous semester

  • Repeatedly asking illogical or inappropriate questions or making statements that don’t make sense

  • 退出社会支持

  • 报告感觉“痛苦”或“孤独”

  • Describing feeling distracted or having difficulty concentrating

  • 经历损失、创伤性经历或危机(如.g. 关系破裂、朋友/家人死亡、性侵犯)

  • Expressions of feeling hopeless or indirect statements about death or suicide (“wanting it to all be over” or “wishing I could disappear”)

  • 割伤、焚烧或其他自残行为

  •  饮食或睡眠模式的改变

  •  酗酒或吸毒

bet亚洲365欢迎投注 咨询服务

  • 咨询服务 staff are available Mondays through 星期五s 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 有一些晚上的时间可以预约. All 咨询 meetings will be held privately on WebEx at this time for everyone’s health and safety.

  • 信息rmation discussed with counselors is generally kept confidential (see below) and 咨询 records are not included in students’ academic records

  • On-Call Services are available outside of normal business hours, including nights and weekends should a student mental health crisis arise and require prompt attention and follow-up support. The On-Call Counselor can be reached by calling Campus 安全及保安 at 845-471-1822


During the 咨询 process, sensitive personal information is oftentimes shared. 信息rmation shared with counselors is protected by state law and professional ethics, and is not shared with individuals outside of 咨询服务 without written consent by the student. 然而, the staff may be required to disclose information to others in specific situations related to safety concerns. 

作为家庭成员, you may rightfully be concerned about your student's well-being and want to be involved. 由于上述保密问题, 咨询服务 may not disclose any information without the written consent of any student age 18 or older. 家庭 members are always welcome to contact 咨询服务 for questions or concerns.


Adjusting to college life is not only a transition process for your child, 但这也可能是家庭发生重大变化的时候. Below are some tips to help you attend to your own emotional needs, 除了关注你的学生之外:

  • 对过渡过程要有耐心.  这对你的学生和你自己来说都是一次全新的体验, and figuring out what is the right amount of support and distance may involve some trial and error, which may involve some hurdles in your relationship with your son or daughter. 这通常会随着时间和耐心而大大改善.

  • 注意自己的情感需求. 认识到这种矛盾的感觉, 焦虑, and excitement about your young adult child leaving home are normal. 允许自己有这些情绪. 

  • Find new activities or challenges to channel your energy and feelings into. 考虑旅游, 志愿服务, 写作, 绘画, or taking up a new sport or hobby to keep you engaged in your spare time.  

Adapted from Vassar College 咨询中心 and University of Delaware 咨询中心.