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What is sustainability? From the Greek sustinere, meaning the capacity to maintain, support, endure. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (The Brundtland Report, 3月20日, 1987, United Nation's World Commission on Environment and Development).

Marist had been a long time leader in educating about the Hudson River Valley region. We are proud of our commitment to protecting and preserving this historically significant ecosystem. To ensure that Marist is doing everything that it can reasonably do to support sustainability effort in the region, and to set an example of environmental stewardship, President Murray appointed the Campus Sustainability Advisory Committee (原子钟). 

自2007年以来, 原子钟 has provided a framework to recommend initiatives for campus sustainability efforts, both in operation and curriculum initiatives.  

The Campus Sustainability Advisory Committee supports the College’s goal to become a more sustainable campus by providing leadership in three areas: 

  • research and education
  • campus operations
  • stewardship in the Marist community


  • Educating faculty, staff and students about the impact of their actions on the environment
  • Identifying, establishing and publicizing sustainability principles, goals and best practices
  • Providing a framework for guiding sustainable procedures, programs and initiatives
  • Monitoring and reporting progress on campus sustainability initiatives

View the members of the Campus Sustainability Advisory Committee (原子钟)